work with me

below is a list of my current 1:1 offerings. For more details please click on “learn more” for in-depth description of each of the session types and modalities I utilize. If you have any additional questions, please email me at


Release + Reconnect Session


1:1 emotional body clearing and healing session focused on gaining clarity, addressing present blocks and barriers and clearing out stuck energy…

…resetting your nervous system to reduce stress, get grounded and create space within as a support to you being your most expansive, energized Self.

Wherever you currently are is where I meet you. I hold space for you to explore within as I guide you through your own unique journey using hands on physical activation point [Be Activated] release work along with energy healing + intuitive, present based guidance— empowering you to let go of what no longer serves and lean into the beautiful work of uncovering and walking in alignment with your truth and purpose. learn more about session details + approach


Experiential Astrology Wheel Session


a gentle and powerful technique, working with the astrological wheel that allows you to communicate directly with your own unconscious.

Reconnect with lost or wounded parts of self; access healing and transformative energies at the heart of your being.

As a type of astrological medicine wheel, it relies on a system of images representing the signs of the zodiac, the planets and asteroids, laid out in a circle on the floor to represent the client’s astrology chart. This circle becomes a sacred space, a container for healing and initiation, a vessel for connection and transformation, and a visual representation of the human psyche. No astrology knowledge is required, this is a practice that is about embodiment and allowing what’s already within you to surface and be explored. learn more


~ If you are interested in experiencing this beautiful work, please request your session using the button below and I will reach out to schedule within 48 hours. I look forward to connecting!