About Release + Reconnect.


You were not created merely to survive

What is Release + Reconnect?

Release + Reconnect is the name I use for the 1:1 integrated emotional body clearing + healing sessions I facilitate with clients.

Sessions are focused on gaining clarity, addressing present blocks and barriers and clearing out stuck energy; resetting your nervous system to reduce stress, get grounded and create space within as a support to your healing and personal growth—this process supports your journey to your most expansive, energized Self.

Where you are is where I meet you.

You don’t have to have any prior experience or knowledge prior to working with me, just a desire to lean in and explore your self. I hold space for you to explore within as I guide you through your own unique journey using a combination of modalities i’ve been formally trained in along with energetic + intuitive, present based guidance— empowering you to let go of what no longer serves and lean into the beautiful work of uncovering and walking in alignment with your truth.

This is a space for you to just be

whomever and wherever you are at the moment— away from the noise of the world and many distractions that are constantly vying for your attention. Using a combination of energetic release work and presence based techniques (including but not limited to Be Activated & Reiki) to guide your session, I hold space for you to tune in and explore, cultivating an environment of curiosity, non-judgment and kindness allowing you to tune into YOU!

Curious to know what a session might be like?

Click here read about client experiences


how to prepare for your {in person} session

I will be guiding the session, there is nothing you need to know or do prior to coming in.


  • Wear comfortable clothing as you will be lying on a massage table, fully clothed.

  • Walk in curious + with an open mind

During the session I will use a series of hand positions and activation points (pressing on physical body) to clear out blockages and allow release of the stuck or stagnant energy in the body that contributes to physical and emotional pain and dysfunction.


after session care:

You may feel a number of different things post session

emotional or physical energy shifts, soreness, relief of physical pain, sense of deep relaxation and mental clarity—

any [or all] of these are totally normal. Increased water intake to re-hydrate, epsom salt baths, and giving yourself space and time to integrate what unfolded during the session are all recommended. If you can take some time before going back into your ‘normal’ life for a few hours that is ideal. Additional tools and practices will be recommended as appropriate based on what came up during session.


additional details:

Session length varies, but first sessions will last between 90-120 min.

First session cost is $250, to be paid upon confirmation of session; future sessions time and cost dependent upon frequency of visits.

  • in-person sessions will take place near Charlottesville, Virginia.

  • Virtual sessions will take place over Zoom; private link to be provided prior to first session.


about the modalities

What is Be Activated?

Be Activated is a powerful tool for stress management, and can quickly break common patterns of movement dysfunction and chronic pain. 

 What issues does it address?

Our body has two priorities for survival; to breathe and to move – and without both – we will die!  Our body finds ways to meet those priorities, and it’s willing to sacrifice anything else in order to do this. 

But these compensations put us at risk.  

Our body’s ability to overcome the stresses and  pressures of life can result in reduced movement and exercise. Measurable reductions in strength, power, flexibility and endurance often occur, leaving our bodies less resilient, and at risk of poor performance, pain and dysfunction, both in the way we move and the way we behave. 

If  you experience a traumatic event or injury, you’ll notice the slow and gradual decline in function and performance.  These compensations then get tired, and eventually break. The result is at best is a loss of energy,  at worst constant chronic pain and reduced function. It is almost inevitable nowadays – for everyone.  And it’s equally simple to reverse when you really honor what your body needs to function correctly.

Source: www.douglasheel.com



What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing.

It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy". So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy."

Source: https://www.reiki.org/faqs/what-reiki