Client Experiences


post session snapshots


“I can’t put a price on the gift you [Nicolette] gave me, to reconnect deeper to myself and purge the stagnant negative energy crumbs clinging to me...

observing old belief systems that don’t serve me. My chest feels open and pain I had for so long is gone. I feel like I can breath again. Everyday since our session I’ve felt like I own my space (body) more. Instead of feeling contracted I feel a sense ease, my life force/energy of being is able to flow more freely, thus creating a deeper connected “soul🌪body”

— Jenna Anderson

“[After a session] there is always such a profound shift in my ease of movement; tension softens.

Emotions move more freely. The lightness I feel each time is sacred. Some parts feel delicious and satiating in-the-moment and others hurt so good, but I trust my entire body and heart in your hands during our sessions. It is priceless to experience being held in such a loving way, entirely for the purpose of your own healing. I recommend this service because it brings an entire new awareness to where emotions and tightness are being stored in the body. As someone who works in other healing modalities, it’s a reminder we need the integration of so many different types to support our emotional, spiritual and physical selves.”

— Stacey Sexton, Breathwork Healer & Co-Founder of The Sacral House

“[After my session] I felt relief from my IBS symptoms for the first time in a long time.

I am pretty experienced in relieving my symptoms on my own through food, supplement and yoga, but I could not find relief this time around, no matter what remedy I used. Nicolette is the first person that ever made me realize my symptoms flare up when I am feeling fear, and I am not sure how to fully process it. Never before have I made the connection of that emotion to my symptoms. Nicolette is so kind and understanding and she created a space that allowed me to feel completely safe in order to fully open up to the healing that has never been, yet needed to be done. This is a modality of healing that I feel not enough people know about (myself included until now!)”

— Kristina, Certified Holistic Health Coach & co-founder of The Sacral House

“I barely have words that can encompass the gratitude I have to this shared moment…

I went in prepared emotionally, mentally, and physically and with that willing heart, we were able to access things I’ve kept hidden for years and release them. This process is not for the faint of heart. It can be beautifully intense, if you’re willing. It is for people looking for a deep moment with ones self and ones history. So that you may be propelled into your future. We are mere matter yet we move in the world with energy. It’s important to acknowledge and steward how you carry it and how the energies within shape the atmosphere of your world. Nicolette creates a beautiful safe space for expression, whether big or small. The session can be lighthearted or penetrating to your depth and you are in control of that. She is a guide to you accessing things within that might be getting in your way, and handing you the light to shine upon them. I walked in feeling like I was carrying a backpack full of bricks, and walked out feeling like ... well, I took the backpack off. I can still feel the weight I was carrying but now it feels as though it is being held in my hand. And I can put it down as I please. It’s been a day since our session and I feel like I can see it more clearly... a few things. I can assess what was in the pack and deal with it as I need to. Also, it felt sparkly and bubbly and tingly... so prepare your heart and mind for that. I deeply enjoyed it and I hope you will too. Go in, bring your pack... and prepare to take it off, or at least take a peek inside the bag.”

— Amanda, Seeker of Depth

“After my session I feel more open and receptive— to things going on around me and things going on internally, and I’m also more aware of how my body physically reacts to what I’m experiencing mentally and emotionally…

I believe everyone deserves to reserve time for themselves to reflect on how they’re feeling, and having a guided session with a professional is great for those who are just starting their journey and for those who want to dig deeper into something particular.Working with people in this space - exploring physical and emotional connections, trauma, and balance - is a very vulnerable place for both the client and the professional. I cannot imagine someone more well-equipped to help lead you through self-discovery while encouraging you to respect your own boundaries, and to do this in a way that’s safe, comfortable, and ultimately enjoyable.”

— Steph

“After my session, I immediately felt 1000x’s lighter and completely at peace with myself.

Right after we completed our first session, I laid there in a trance for almost an hour with so much love and gratitude for myself. Nicolette is POWERFUL! Favorite part of the session was the breath work as it’s something I am tangibly taking away to use not only for myself in my day to day to help me deal with my anxieties, but also to support my clients in their ways of being. Would recommend this service for everyone because I got so clear on the deepest parts of who I am and feel completely re-centered and aligned. She’s an incredible human and as mentioned previously... powerful at what she is born to be doing.”

— Josh Massey

“I am a very busy (aka STRESSED) working mom of a 5 y/o and a 2 y/o who rarely takes time to focus on myself…

When I heard about this session I was skeptical that it would be a good investment of my most valuable resource - time. It turned out to be a GREAT investment in my self-care. I left feeling, relaxed (a truly elusive feeling for me), grounded, and more aware of my physical self. I know that sounds a little hippy-dippy but if you have ever experienced savasana in yoga, it’s a lot like that, but better and for an HOUR! Yes please!”

— Sara Conde, Director Of Consultant Services

“I noticed immediate changes during our session that carried over into the next few days; my body felt elongated, I walked taller and felt lighter, and there was an air of confidence around me.

I also spent some time thinking about the things she shared with me, things that help me connect how I feel in my body to how I feel about myself and circumstances around me, that left me feeling more aware about the messages that come from my body. I felt that there were things trapped in my body that were released during our session and her presence, expertise and awareness during our session was comforting and nurturing, and that was something I deeply needed. I would definitely recommend this service because it helps improve your spiritual and psychological wellbeing, and your physical body as well. This service is something that improved my awareness about where I store stress and pain in my body, and showed how I can undo the negative impacts of the stored stress and pain.”

— A.N.

“Nicolette was able to both connect with my body, release gnarly tense points, ask some insightful and intentional questions, offer insight, inquiring about my personal paradigm and the way I see the world.

While doing this she was herself, fully present, intentional, and always promoted true expression or silence, either. I felt no pressure to answer questions, but enjoyed engaging in the conversation. The conversation definitely helped to identify some of the shifts in energy and feelings brought to my surface by certain release spots. Nicolette truly showed up; in return, it made me want to really show up and be present throughout my sessions— both of them.”

— LA

“Going into my first session, my hesitation was related to fear of the unknown about what my body was subconsciously holding onto about events in my life that I was afraid to address.

Since the first session, the changes have been subtle but amazing. My body felt lighter immediately after my session, as if I could walk with ease. This also could have been in part due to the emotional release I had during the session of things/energies/emotions pent up I was unaware of. The best part of this session was that Nicolette provided a completely safe environment both mentally and emotionally for my to express who I was and explore emotions I never have.”

— Morgan K.

“Nicolette is not only highly skilled in the work but, just as importantly, has a gentle and non-threatening approach to what can be a very vulnerable situation. This service is good for all types of modalities and clients, athletes and non-athletes. People that understand anatomy and those that don’t. It’s a unique and fascinating thing to watch Nicolette in her element!”

— Laura C.

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