about me


𝙷𝚎𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎! !

𝙸’𝚖 𝙽𝚒𝚌𝚘𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚎

wild woman on a journey; truth seeker + speaker, weaver of words and embodied awakening guide; reflecting in response to the world around me; Living, loving, learning through stories…

I reside somewhere at the intersection of the mystical/magical and practical, where I create and hold space for others— inviting them to explore what their truth is, and empowering their reconnection to that truth. I feel most at home immersed in nature, adore all things floral and have come to realize that deep, authentic connection and speaking my truth is the food that nourishes my soul... that and hugs, tight hugs are my JAM!

a few more things //

I am the human behind Soul Filled Space LLC, a container for exploration, healing and growth to take place. I offer integrated healing sessions, in person + virtually to support and guide others seeking deep clearing and healing; I also write, create art, speak and facilitate transformative experiences— sharing truth and my own personal journey of coming home to self; sharing my humanity as I reclaim it, piece by piece.

Soul Filled Space is one of non-judgement, curiosity and kindness;

empowering the integration of your whole self— your values, your actual feelings and motivators— supporting you stepping into a more true you; empowering you to release what no longer serves + reconnect to your most authentic self...

Over the last decade, I have coached others through, as well as embarked on my own deep physical, emotional, and spiritual healing journey. My purpose in this life is to experience the full spectrum of humanity, allowing myself to feel it personally and through witnessing those around me. In turn, I am able to guide others’ on their unique journey home to their authentic self through a process I call “Coming Home”. Empowering and inspiring others to take ownership of their emotions and healing journey, helping them to recognize that they have the power to transform their lives from within and teaching them how to access this power.

Along with self study in the fields of movement, nutrition, mindfulness, archetypes, astrology, ancient and modern mysticism, meditation and energy healing, I have received certification as a Human Potential Coach [Human Potential Institute], as well as a Be Activated practitioner, a Reiki Level 2 practitioner and am currently training for my certificate in Experiential Astrology. I obtained a Bachelors in Psychology from George Mason University in 2006 where I was also a D1 scholarship volleyball athlete.

​It's been a wild ride, one that continues to unfold as I shed, layer, by layer, the non-true aspects of me and dive deeper into the most authentic version of myself to date…

…More to come on my story.

my mission

To shift the world from a state of fear to love, through empowering and inspiring others; helping them recognize that they have the ability to transform their lives physically, emotionally and spiritually from within and teaching them how to access their personal power.


I know the pain of living a life of “should’s” instead of based on what I truly desire; of living with the fear of not being enough (or too much) and having the sick feeling in the pit of my stomach that there is nobody in the world that truly knows and sees me. I also know the contrast— the liberation of choosing to show up as my authentic self, letting my voice be heard and the freedom that comes from being who I really am, instead of who I thought I had to be in order to have what I desire most in this world: authentic love + connection and true belonging. I want to help others reclaim their truth and empower them to lead the fulfilling lives they deserve.

[what I believe]

I believe we all deserve to lead the lives we choose; that we are all on purpose and are worthy of whatever we want out of this life; that there is enough space for us all to shine.

And I believe that every time someone finds their way home to their love, their true Self, this world instantly becomes brighter.

[I create space]

For healing and growth to take place. A space of non-judgement, curiosity and kindness for you to begin identifying your true Self— your values, your actual feelings and motivators— and recognize the strength in that ownership. I empower and encourage you to push past the fear and discomfort that inevitably comes up; to release the stories and beliefs you have held and been reacting from that no longer serve you. I create a safe space for you to show up as your authentic self.

I am here to help you find your way home: to your truth, to your love.

It may not feel like it right now, but it's there, no matter how deep it has been buried by the experiences of life.  There may have been a time when it felt safer to hide it away than to risk being hurt. In fact, that may be where you are at this moment. If so, that's exactly where you are supposed to be.

This soul work is vulnerable. It's uncomfortable and sometimes feels dangerous. And the only way to the other side is through. This takes courage and a willingness to trust your inner knowing. And, if this message resonates with you, that means that somewhere inside you are feeling recognition of that truth. In fact, I would argue that you are already on your way. And if you’re ready to get started…

I would be honored to walk alongside you.

Thank you for being here.

On this page. In this life.

With gratitude and always LOVE,