About Experiential Astrology


What is Experiential Astrology?

Experiential astrology is an ancient ritual technique used in conjunction with modern therapeutic practices  


It is a gentle and powerful technique that allows a person to:

  • communicate directly with their own unconscious in all its wisdom and mystery;

  • reconnect with lost or wounded parts of themselves;

  • simultaneously access the healing and transformative energies at the heart of our deepest self.

How Does It Work?

As a type of astrological medicine wheel, it relies on a system of images representing the signs of the zodiac, the planets and asteroids, laid out in a circle on the floor to represent the client’s astrology chart.

This circle becomes a sacred space, a container for healing and initiation, a vessel for connection and transformation, and a visual representation of the human psyche. 

The client enters the circle and is guided by the practitioner and the client’s own reactions to the different symbols. This process allows the client to identify which parts require attention, reconnection, cleansing or healing. The healing can take place either spontaneously within the client in response to what is uncovered or with the assistance of specific techniques drawn from the practitioner’s experience in a wide range of therapeutic and spiritual systems.


Why does it work?

The process is under-pinned by archetypal potency of a 5000 year old system and yet does not require a person to have any astrological knowledge to gain benefit.

 It differs enormously from traditional astrology because it is totally experiential, non-intellectually based and is not mediated by the astrologer. What emerges is a natural and spontaneous, illuminating and highly therapeutic experience.

*please request your session using the form above and I will reach out to schedule within 48 hours. I look forward to connecting!