by soul.png

writing in reflection of the world around me //

Poetry Nicolette Bernardes Poetry Nicolette Bernardes

S U N + M O O N

You and Me.

The sun and the moon.

Me setting, as you rise;

Missing each other in the passage of time

Our celestial bodies, 

waiting for the eclipse,

That will bring us together again.


Tangle yourself in me, my love,

You and Me.

The sun and the moon.

Me setting, as you rise;

Missing each other in the passage of time

Our celestial bodies, 

waiting for the eclipse,

That will bring us together again.


Tangle yourself in me, my love,

as I take you over.

For only a few moments;

be comfortable,

aligned in love,

magnetized in polarity. 

You are my sun.

My light, my nourishment.

The heat and intensity igniting my passion.

My peaceful smile on a cloudless day.

The warmth that spreads across my skin as I lay back, vulnerable, savoring your touch.

The burn I nurse, alone, in the late hours of the night.

I receive you, fully, for all that you are.

Your shine gives me life. 

I am your Moon.

Always present,

even when you feel swallowed whole

by the darkest nights,

I am there.

Set your intentions by my phases,

your direction by my intuition.

I will always guide you home;

to your heart, 

to your truth.

You are my sun,  I am your moon 

June 12, 2018: Soul Love + Eclipse Season

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to shine light into the shadows // to untangle the knots in my mind // I write.