by soul.png

writing in reflection of the world around me //

28 day moon cycle challenge, Poetry Nicolette Bernardes 28 day moon cycle challenge, Poetry Nicolette Bernardes

purity of {truth}

Waxing gibbous moon in Sagittarius


purity of truth; depths of knowing

bathe me in the raging waters of Styx— 

binding point of mundane with the divine 

solar plexus on fire

Density in my belly

preparation for purging 

sacred refusals on deck

space and time for renewal required

cultivating a clean reservoir for consciousness

abundant creation in honoring the ebbs and flows. 

watering the seeds in the dark; pregnant with potential.

biding it’s time;

patience in the unfolding

deepening rooted in trust

beneath the sacred tree; in the realm of soul

is where I take my sweet reprieve

all will be revealed in due time.

0CB9DD07-CCAD-4C8C-8E71-79AE89102F25-1784F9B9-FA87-4473-9EF8-B08EE5B4F48B 2.JPG


Day 11/28: Water, water everywhere. For the past three days i’ve been getting little nudges and symbols of water and intentional rest as a preparation for upcoming tasks that need stamina to complete. [I literally have water leaking from my roof through my ceiling as i write this—from a leak that was supposed to have been sealed a few months ago and hasn’t given me a problem until the storms we got sweeping through today]. I have been absolutely exhausted the last three days or so, and have been craving quiet time wrapped up in my cozy bed, blinds drawn and in the dark. That’s where I am.

So today I play with the idea of sacred rest, water and underworld vibes— soul space, tree of life, the necessary rooting in order to reach the heights; the nourishment of water; a purity of truth.

Water can symbolize many things, but what i’m pulling in today is surrender and cleansing. There is something calming and chaotic about it all at the same time. It flows exactly where it needs to with a patience of it’s path— it leans in without resistance. When it meets an obstacle, it finds its way— pivots and adjusts. And sometimes it is absolutely and unapologetically destructive in its sheer force of nature.

We are in a time where presence, trust, patience and surrender are challenging; everywhere we turn there is fear and uncertainty and we are being invited to find our space amongst the chaos. And if you can find that still point, beneath the surface, that space all your own, where a truth— an intuitive knowing—resides, there is peace and trust; strength and power in that space. The eye of the storm where you can be in it, and also see it all, without getting swept up in it. In order to find that space, there is a journey you must embark upon. One that includes both leaning into the challenges, as well as our conditioned resistance to rest, rejuvenation and a clearing of the old in order to open energetic channels; for the flow of life force to reclaim it’s sacred path within you. And only you can know when it’s your time to take action, and time to rest. Listen.

And with that, I invite you to take a brief moment to check in with where you are RIGHT NOW, in this moment and ask what it is your heart, your mind, your body needs now. Can you honor that? L

earning to listen to the ebbs and flows of your inherent nature and individual rhythms is a journey itself, but one worth the effort. Sending you so much love and deep reverence for wherever you are in your process. And thank you, as always, for taking your time to be here with me exploring ;)

With gratitude and always LOVE,

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28 day moon cycle challenge Nicolette Bernardes 28 day moon cycle challenge Nicolette Bernardes

{womb} day

First quarter, moon in Scorpio.

Womb day. A journey inward and a time for reflection and nourishment, rejuvenation, regeneration. Mother take me to your waters, wash away my worries, hydrate my being. Keeper of wisdom and mysteries; sacred blood, flow.

Visceral immersion into the absolute death that must occur for new life to take root. Recycle me into the earth. Settle me deeper into the roots, Mother— I’m tired.

Held in suspension— a pause at the bottom of a long exhale; surrender; loving creations of healing consciousness.

Curiosities dancing on the edge of my consciousness as I lay in that space between waking and sleep:

Our propensity for war we seem to hold as an absolute, an inevitability; man made or human nature?

What would we do without the conflict perpetuated…

What would happen if we took off the armor and dropped the weapons…

We are at war with others; we are at war with ourselves. What spaces would open up— what might be created if we stopped fighting…

If we surrendered into the flow; in trust. Where would the current carry us…

I’m tired of being fought. Of working so hard not to ignite sacred wounds and mirror unseen chinks in the metaphorical armor by just my mere presence. And so today, i’m just going to rest…

All i’ve got today is half formed thoughts that end in…

[An invitation to follow it wherever your imagination takes you…]



Day 9/28: Today, I had a beautiful half day out in nature, being guided back inward and felt held in Her embrace; all of the elements present and in support. On my drive home, on back country roads, I hit a butterfly [or it hit my windshield— there was contact of some sort] and the thought that popped in my mind after “oooo I’m sorry butterfly!” was “man, it would suck to have gone through the metamorphosis of caterpillar into butterfly, essentially being dissolved into nothingness, in order to be reborn as this beautiful butterfly, only to meet your end by flying into a car windshield”

[yea, these are the random thoughts that pop up, and also, metaphors for transformation, and life/death/life, expectations and how this moment is literally all that we have].

Coming home with the sweet feeling of utter exhaustion that led to a mid afternoon nap—that stretched into early evening; the stark contrast of natures soundtrack— summer storms rolling through asking to be witnessed— as bookends to a fiery day. Mars and Pluto- sitting amidst the tension of opposing forces— rulers of the Scorpio moon we are sitting under at the moment.

Water is a big theme in my consciousness today, so I’m listening to the messages being sent and surrendering to the best of my present capacity. A deep and familiar ache in my hips and thighs asking of me to just be still, curled up and held in the comfort of my bed, blinds drawn. I am here, typing these words out of commitment made to self, but my body literally will not let me take it any further than this… I sort of the love the signals that state: “rest NOW”, even when they aren’t convenient. So i’m going back to where i’m being led. I hope you have had a beautiful day, and I’ll see you tomorrow.

With gratitude and always LOVE,

Artist: Unknown:

Artist: Unknown:


PS: This image felt really resonant as a representation of a felt sense of today… I do not know who the artist is, so if you do know, please let me know as I would love to give credit to this beautiful work. ❤︎

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to shine light into the shadows // to untangle the knots in my mind // I write.