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you’ve got this //

Jan 17, 2019

Trust yourself. Trust your instincts.

Know deeply, that where you are is exactly where you are meant to be;

you created it for yourself; you called it in.

Breathe that in...

The impact you are making is exactly the way you are meant to lead and serve.

Your presence matters; you are the lighthouse that leads ships home safe despite turbulent seas.

I know the weight of that can feel heavy at times, but you are perfectly equipped for the task at hand and you thrive under this specific pressure.

Draw on your experience; trust that you know and can FEEL the right moves to make.

There isn’t a blueprint for greatness, it’s one step at a time. Honor what is present, what is now.

You are so deeply supported and loved on this path. Trust that. Breathe. Smile.

You’ve got this.
