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the darkest day //

The Darkest Day// Artist: Nicolette Bernardes

December 21, 2021: Winter Solstice; Sun, Marcury, Pluto, Venus in Capricorn.

A shift in seasons once again. As if the type of darkness we’ve been navigating wasn’t enough— we hit the literal peak. And now, we slowly step our way toward the light. A beautiful pause at the bottom, a moment to settle, be still and reflect. but winter in not over just yet dear one, it’s time to stay the course. One step at a time we emerge, reborn.

At the heart of the matter is love canoodling with death; a curious melding of energies with an invitation to walk the tension line of discernment— to notice, or to judge, to speak or to truly listen, to feel and honor or to condemn and analyze. Time to let go of the judgement surrounding the collective heart that has become something like scar tissue; dense, rigid and confining. A reminder that there is love in death; nourishment in dark. healing in pause.

Happy Winter Loves!