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S H A T T E R I N GβŽ¨πšπš‘πšŽ 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚞𝚜 𝚚𝚞𝚘 ⎬

Once the veils come off, once the illusion has dissolved, and the truth of what has been- what π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘Žπ‘™π‘™π‘¦ is- has been seen + heard + felt, it cannot go back to the depths and shadows where it has long been relegated.

For many, waking up to a world that is seemingly the same place, yet so far away from our perceptionβ€” our lived experienceβ€” is jarring. A comfortable non-truthβ€”  built on the backs of, and stepping and holding down othersβ€” that allowed many to perpetuate ways of being [for hundreds if not thousands of years] that clearly does not serve or hold space for all of β„Žπ‘’π‘šπ‘Žπ‘›π‘–π‘‘π‘¦.

And to have seen through the non-truth of status quo, we no longer can rest comfortably in it’s ignorance.

I wonder, if the resistance we are witnessing is really because of an inherent and core difference in beliefs/values, or more an unwillingness to letting go of the illusion, the non-truth held up by the status quo?

Regardless of the why or the intention (or lack there of), it is now being  S H A T T E R E D, no longer a safe space to comfortably rest.

And it’s resistanceβ€” violence, blame, shame, guilt, deflection, denialβ€” is rooted in and fueled by fear. Tentacles of patriarchal power structures dictated and perpetrated under the illusionary β€œrule” that power is finite and the only way to be safe, to survive, is to take power or be given it.

It is the non-truth that feeds all else.

And once we are awakened to the truth, that we are all powerful beings, capable of empowering ourselves and operating from a place of β€œpower with and power for”— as in power shared amplifiesβ€” then we have the capacity to begin rebuilding in a way that is conducive to living beings, THRIVING.

Taking ownership of the space we take up and sharing from a place of authentic giving, that kind of power(ful) energy only creates more and guess what? There is plenty of space for us all to be and to exist, powerfully.

Dominator consciousness will starve without being fed. The β€œfood” it demands?

Your engagement, your point of focus distracted and depleted in the power struggle is the sustenance that it not only wants, but needs...

The call?

To do the hard work within, and to set and maintain boundaries around what energy you are feeding how and where you are giving, pouring yourself out. Are you feeling the tension of tug-of-war in certain spaces? What spaces no longer feel like a safe place to rest, because the truth of the rules of engagement is now felt and it doesn’t feel good? 

This is the work. And to be honest, there are far too few places to just be fully self in this world, but they do exist.

Ecosystems built on shared values like love, support, authenticity, community, inclusivity, empowerment and relationship like Femme Fatale DC and behold.her are two examples that I have experienced, and damn if it doesn’t feel good to take a big deep breathe, and rest in my all-ness, amidst POWERFUL and BEAUTIFUL humans doing the Same. Damn. Thing. 

These are the types of spaces I’m committed to creating and intentionally stepping into and give of myself to and also receive from. 

Because once you witness the TRUTH, the old way, it just doesn’t hold up anymore.

What type of spaces/places/relationships are you intentionally creating + showing up in?

How do they feel? 

So much love amidst revolutionary shifts in a chaotic world,