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a particular kind of soulfulness //

I asked a question recently to Self/Soul and one of my decks of cards and this is what came through…

What will support healing, integration and soul reclamation with all the has been opened in the collective recently?

plant guide // MINT

I pulled a card from “The Druid Plant Oracle” and the message I felt was an invitation. For you to use the clarity gained from the space within created to intentionally move forward while paying attention to your surroundings. Distractions will always be here— it’s your work to lean into the sensations that bring up resistance and be the witness to the messages soul has for you.


The proverbial can of worms— Pandora’s Box if you will— that has been opened in the collective brings with it what sometimes feels like never ending source of pain, grief and anger as illusions [or delusions] long held, begin to splinter and fracture, leaving us to sort through the mess. And with the trust and tools to navigate these confronting truth’s we have an opportunity to finally learn a particular lesson: that pain is not to seek nor avoid, but instead to accept as an inevitable aspect of our human challenge and by standing in the tension of its presence, allowing self to feel that which we have so desperately sought to do away with— this is where your true POWER shows itself;

the resilience of a beating heart and fractured soul

And this lesson felt, from this place you can finally make room for the love, joy + pleasure that previously had no space to breath, move, nor lay a foundation in your being. Now that the generations, the lifetimes of unacknowledged and unhealed hurt is being liberated from our being— through being honestly and vulnerably spoken about, tears, righteous rage…in acknowledging it all we are making room for the beauty this life has waiting for us.

These problems, this massive societal “way it is” — it’s not going to disappear overnight. They require more hard truths spoken, more accountability on a personal level of how we are either a part of the perpetuation of suffering or the resolution.

For the record, [and a loving reminder]: it won’t just go away if you avoid it— it will just perpetuate your personal suffering, as well as collective suffering. So rest up, rejuvenate your body, mind and spirit, because it’s not over yet AND we were build to handle this— we came here for this. You have what it takes to keep going. TRUST.

We need you. Perseverance, get creative, take action. Have patience; bit by bit, slow and steady, one layer at a time, and most importantly trust your inner guidance system to lead you exactly where you need to go. One step at a time.

be gentle with yourself and those around you, beautiful human, you’ve got this.

With gratitude and always love,